Need help packing for break?
Spring Break - the event that you look forward to all school year. With being locked in classrooms, completing projects and assignments,...

Fun staycation ideas
Not going anywhere for spring break and looking for something out of the ordinary to do? No problem, there are many enjoyable things to...

Quick Pitch continues to evolve baseball media
Quick Pitch is a show put on by MLB Network which is centered around showing highlights of baseball games from the previous night. Quick...

Game of Thrones season 8 release coming soon
George R.R. Martin's best-selling book series "A Song of Ice and Fire" is brought to the screen as HBO sinks its considerable...

Nuvo Nutrition: The good and the ugly
In September 2018, the newest nutrition club of Cleveland opened in Woodmere. Nuvo nutrition sells meal replacement shakes, all with less...

Does class size matter?
Class size is often looked at more for college students to be able to see the student to teacher ratio. But, does class size matter in...

Which Jonas Brother are you?
How do you feel today? I’m alright Fantastic Pretty good I don’t know What kind of job do you want to have? Model Actor/Actress Stylist I...

Weezer Teal and Black albums
Weezer, well known for the songs: Island In the Sun, Say It Ain’t So, Buddy Holly, and Africa, has recently released two new Albums in...

The issue of money and poverty
Many believe that money is the key to happiness, however someone's time or care can make someone just as happy. Throughout society the...

Ways to overcome the three most common causes of procrastination
Procrastination is prevalent in the lives of most high school students. What do we spend our time doing? Many watch a streaming service,...