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AP students should not have to take finals

Many students takes AP classes, and most hold the idea that AP classes should not be required to come to school during finals week. This may just seem like the opinion of a lazy high schooler but there is a reasonable argument. For one, the students work very hard to review for multiple weeks before the AP test, which is required by school for students enrolled in those classes, and then, they sit down for multiple hours to test on the complicated material.

Another argument is that AP classes are college level courses, and the AP test is the equivalent of a college final. If schools really want to imitate college courses, like many of the teachers attempt to do, then after the AP test the students should be done after the AP test. Understandably, the students must continue to attend classes. However, many teachers assign projects or apply the knowledge through challenges.

Junior Leah Phillips, who is in AP courses, explains the feelings of the students, “It is annoying because we just took a really tough AP exam and then have to go do another project/test when your brain is kind of burnt out for that subject. We work hard throughout the year to learn and work towards our AP tests which we consider the final of the subject.”

Also, this view is not only held by the students, many teachers agree.

For example, AP Physics 1 teacher John LoGalbo says, “As long as there is a requirement for students to take the AP Exam, I do not see a need for a separate final exam for a course. AP Physics gives a 3 hour comprehensive exam that has been developed through the collaboration of several subject area experts. I am not sure I could offer an assessment more valid than what is already experienced.”

On the other hand, Principal Paul Milcetich explains the reasons behind the set-up. “AP Classes have always had to have a final or come in during the final time to conclude the final requirements for their courses. The only year that did not occur was last year, due to the yearly calendar...there was no time between the end of AP Exams and finals. This year's schedule and the AP requirements are the norm.”

So the main reason AP students must attend a final for their AP courses is that it is tradition. If there was a way to show that the AP students have learned the course material, then there might be a possible change.

AP Human Geology teacher Nick Kukarola has an idea. “Considering the AP students just spent weeks studying and preparing for their AP exam… I do not think it is necessary to assess them again. I think ultimately we should come up with some type of exam exemption policy like we used to have for the old Ohio Graduation tests. Maybe if you take an AP class, get a C or better all year and take the AP test in May you do not have to take a final.”

Although there are arguments against it, AP students should not have to attend finals due to them working hard all year and having to take an extensive exam that tests their knowledge on the subject.

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