Isn't this new movie romantic?
Romantic comedies tend to be cliche, and set annoying, unreal expectations for relationships. The makers of the charming comedy "Isn't It...
J.K Rowling claims to write diverse characters...but never writes them
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows hit bookshelves in 2007, but author J.K Rowling is still adding to her story. Upon the conclusion of...
Tips for taking the AIR tests
It’s that time of year again: AIR testing has begun. These dreaded standardized tests can be a lot, but here are some tips on how to do...
Cleveland International Film Festival premieres a diverse selection of short films
On Wednesday, April 3, my Spanish class along with a couple of other Spanish classes took a trip to Tower City in Cleveland to attend the...
"Tiny Houses" is a big hit at Cleveland Play House
Most people have heard of the “tiny house” trend--but what happens when you give up everything to build one? “Tiny houses” are extremely...
Give kids a break with homework over spring break
Almost all students can agree that homework given over a holiday break is a cruel punishment. Some teachers may even find that after kids...
A look at the reading habits of the students
Do the students here at AHS read? A survey was sent out to find out, and it received 110 responses. For the question “How books many have...