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Give kids a break with homework over spring break

Almost all students can agree that homework given over a holiday break is a cruel punishment. Some teachers may even find that after kids return from their relaxation time their homework was somehow “eaten by the dog”.

Holiday breaks or Spring Break are times for students to take a moment away from the classroom and enjoy their family and friends stress free. Adding homework just piles on to the stress load that teens are constantly burdened with.

You’ll probably be surprised to learn that some researchers suggests too much homework can be a negative thing. A 2009 article in the Los Angeles Times, suggests that some school districts have cut back on the amount of homework given to students in an effort to enhance children’s social development. Even The US National Education Association recommends there should be no more than ten minutes (of homework) per grade level, per night.

So why give homework over holiday breaks? I personally think teachers should assign no work over vacation. It is not a time to sit inside and look at a computer screen while the sun is shining and kids are outside playing. This takes away from children's time for making friends and quality time with family. According to a study by Stanford University, 56% of students considered homework a primary source of stress. Too much homework can result in lack of sleep, headaches, exhaustion and weight loss. In return this will hinder their social interactions causing them to be cranky and rude to their friends.

Over Spring Break my family and I went to the Florida Keys. While I was there I had some homework that I had to do because it was assigned to me before break. I spent time doing that homework in the hotel room and reading while I was at the beach. For some, this seems okay but in reality it just took up time away from my parents and brothers. Studies have been done by the national health institute that prove sunlight can better one's health and overall mood. The vitamin D3 is released in your skin when you are exposed to natural light which causes your body to release hormones that positively affect your attitude.

Seniors especially need their holiday breaks to be open and free from school work. In the fall all the seniors will be gone and going off to college. Break is a good time to catch up with friends not in a classroom setting. It can be a time to make memories without homework standing in the way. Also, next year students may not even be able to go on break with their families due to a college schedule

I think that students spend enough time sitting inside at their desks all day. They need their vacation time to reset and give their brains a rest. I think in the end giving no homework over breaks has more positive effects than negative.

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