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How to get over writers block

You’ve been sitting in front of your Chromebook for the past five minutes. Blank screen and a blinking cursor. This is one of the most irritating occurrences that students experience multiple times throughout the school year. Writer's block. Fortunately, there a few ways to solve this problem instead of sitting in front of a blank screen.

When it comes to writer's block the first thing that anyone will tell you is to step away from what you doing and to anything that inspires your creativity. Drawing, watching a TV or a movie or even making a Gordon Ramsey worthy sandwich. Then, after a few minutes if you’re up to it, do some free writing to get your head back into that mindset. If you’re lucky, whatever the stuff that comes to the top of your mind during your freewriting turns into whatever you’re trying to write.

Try to get your body moving. Doing Yoga or dancing gets your body flowing and as soon as that happens your mind follows after. A relaxed mind allows for an open mind and an open mind allows for more imagination to flow. After that, you’ll be in a better writing mindset.

An easy one to understand is to eliminate distractions. Turn off your phone to help minimize the temptation of doing something other than your writing. And to not make an excuse for yourself by doing chores, carve out some time just for writing and get to work.

Had a good dream? Write it down before you forget during the day. When you first wake up your mind is still fresh with ideas which makes the perfect time for writing. Writer's block is a real pain, but with a little patience and the right methods, you’ll be able to overcome it easily.

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