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Facts about your favorite Easter sweets

One of the biggest traditions in America happens to be the incredible amount of candy produced during the Easter season. According to the National Retail Foundation, adult Americans may spend up to $2.4 billion on candy to celebrate Easter.

So what exactly are some of those candies?

One of the most famous is jellybeans, which started in the 17th century. It originated from a mix of a Middle Eastern soft, chewy treat called a Turkish Delight and get their hard shells from Jordan Almonds. Soley for Easter, about 16 million jellybeans are made. This sweet treat is a favorite of band director, Eddie Nabring.

Peeps are also a well-known treat from the Easter season. They used to be handmade in a 30 hour time period back in 1950s and they even had wings. The closest Peep store can be found in Bethlehem, Pa, but they can be bought at most grocery stores.

Chocolate bunnies are also a big part of the candy during Easter. These became big with the introduction of the German Easter bunny. They come in many shapes, sizes and flavors, some even wear clothes!

Lastly is the emphasis on Malley’s chocolate, probably the most popular place to buy most of these chocolate treats. Since there is a store close by, at Aurora Farms, it’s also in a short shopping range. They’ve been running since 1935 where they started with one small store in Lakewood, Ohio.

Maybe none of these candies sound good to you, maybe all of them do, but everyone can agree that Easter will continue being a candy holiday for years to come.

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