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Materialism drives civilizations down a treacherous path

Multitudes of people are in agreement that western civilization is moving in the right path. Our economy is incredibly strong, if you ignore the trillions of debt we are in. Our military is the strongest in the entire world, even beating radical countries such as North Korea and Russia. Technological and pharmaceutical advances have lengthened our life spans to new heights.

However, there is one major elephant in the room that is leading to the downfall of our civilization: materialism. Materialism, defined as a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort greater than spiritual values, is more addictive than any type of high given off from any type of drug. With fewer people teaching and receiving morals, we are relying off a lifestyle of pure nothingness disguised as an escape from the hardships of reality.

Our celebrity “role-models” advertise a lifestyle that consists of nothing but Gucci flip flops and Lamborghinis. Those with more money than they will ever need in fifty lifespans find loopholes to avoid paying taxes while those living paycheck to paycheck work until their legs give out. Congress has the power to save lives in the community, such as in cases of drug overdoses and gun violence, but choose to stall and fight over nonsensical topics that will mean nothing to us in ten years for the sake of winning a middle school argument. Republican or Democratic, it is evident that congress’s sole purpose is to collect their paychecks.

Many philosophers have predicted that the only great threat to a powerful nation like ours is ourselves.. This is how great civilizations such as the Roman empire fell apart. The effects of materialism are beginning to take a bigger toll on us than ever before. The suicide rate in America has risen significantly when compared to thirty years ago. In states like Nevada, the suicide rate nearly doubled in 2018.

A possible factor is the glorification and manufacturing of mental illness. Many shows such as 13 Reasons Why paint suicide in a false light that makes people want to get on board with mental illness as if it’s a trend. Netflix could pull the plug on the show at any time, but Netflix is too busy counting the bills produced from its recent second season.

Author Anne Glyn Jones spent nine consecutive years studying civilizations and found a groundbreaking pattern. She describes our nation as a country that “has run its course, which is morally, aesthetically and spiritually bankrupt.”

Materialism also applies to ideologies. Many people in the political universe believe their way of tackling issues is the only way. They indoctrinate their teachings into college campuses and the media. Civilians get into fights on the streets over which candidate is more suitable for our country. People walk on eggshells to avoid upsetting the thought police.

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