Why weightlifting is good for someone's overall health

Weightlifting is believed to have many positive and long-term effects on someone’s overall health and well-being. The four main benefits of weightlifting are improved strength, increased muscle mass, better immune system, and stress relief.
A major benefit of weightlifting is the strength that one will gain. The more and more that somebody lifts, the more strength he or she will get over time. However, to maintain the strength someone gets, one must stick to repetitive training, and be consistent on his or her training regiment. But this is a small price to pay as it builds not only one’s strength but one’s discipline as well.
One of the most important reasons for someone to want to start weightlifting is muscular growth and development. Muscle building takes place when the damaged muscles during exercise grow back bigger than what they were before the exercise. Having bigger muscles not only adds to someone’s physique, making them look better, but it also means one will have an improved resting metabolism because maintaining the amount of muscle one has will need some extra energy. Each additional pound of muscle one gain burns an extra 7 to 15 calories in a day on an average. A potential downside to this however is that eating more food is required to build muscle, but if one likes food then this turns into a upside.
Another benefit of weightlifting is that it can strengthen one’s immune system and thus in turn, can prevent the onset of chronic conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis. With age, the muscle mass diminishes which leaves the bones and joints vulnerable. But when someone lift weights, it makes them healthier. Lifting weights does not put stress on the joints the way high-impact cardio exercises like jumping and running do, but they can lead to some injuries such as torn muscles due to high tension within the muscles while lifting.
A huge plus that comes with weightlifting is the stress relief. When somebody lift weights it helps him or her take their mind off from other issues and releases endorphins, which are considered to be natural antidepressants and pain relievers. It will help that person feel much happier and help builds up self-confidence.
Weightlifting is not just of pro bodybuilders or extreme athletes and crossfitters, it’s for anyone and everyone who wish to better themselves both mentally and physically.