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Lace up for pediatric cancer

Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer is a foundation that began in 2011 with a soccer team from New Jersey, from there, many people began raising awareness and many sports now participate in the lace up. To support this organization, teams from all over dedicate a night to wear gold shoe laces from the organization for $5 each and $4 from each pair go to supporting children with cancer.

Aurora boys basketball and cheerleaders participated in this event on January 25th at the home game against Kent. The boys wore gold laces and the cheerleaders wore gold bows and laces.

“The overall decision to take part in the event was to bring awareness to pediatric cancer and help raise money to support kids and families that are going through a tough time.” said Varsity Basketball Coach TJ Henderson.

Nick Kelleher from Go 4 The Goal reached out to basketball team anchor, Pam Roche (mother of basketball player Jack Roche) to participate in this event.

“The first two steps in our Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer campaign are selecting a date to participate and purchasing laces for the team. [Then you] can reach out to your opponent and hopefully get them on board as well,” said Kelleher.

To fundraise, parents had a walking taco stand where tacos, cookies, and drinks were served for $5 and all of the money went to the Lace Up organization. Overall, about $720 was made from the fundraiser.

Roche said, “ I would absolutely love to have the basketball program participate again next year or even do something locally.”

In all, the event seemed to be very successful and warmed the hearts of many. Participating with Kent and involving students made for a great turnout.

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