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Teacher of the day: Mary Pavicic

Favorite Childhood Show: Saved by the Bell

Sports, Clubs and Extracurricular Activities Involved in: I am the co-advisor of Interact Club.

Favorite Netflix or Hulu binge: Believe or not, I don’t have either yet! I’ve been holding off subscribing, although I’ve been told by many that I’d really like the documentaries on Netflix.

What would you want your superpower to be? According to my sweetheart 6 year old nephew, Alexander, I have one! He says that my superpower is love; he thinks that I can make all the villains in the world good with it.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Honestly, I have no clue! I’m not much of a bucket-list person. Many of the great things that have happened in my life over the past 10 years were beyond any expectation I had ever set for myself. I try to do my best in the moment, stay open to new opportunities, take risks, maintain faith, and let life unfold for me. So we shall see what life will look like in 10 years!

If you could be a Disney character who would you want to be? Belle from Beauty and the Beast

What would you buy first if you won the lottery? College tuition for my nieces and nephews

If you could only hear one song over and over again - what song would that be? Yellow by Coldplay

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