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Bring back kindness

Kindness is a simple skill that does not require much. It can be something as small as smiling, opening a door, or saying hello. Most people today have forgotten simple acts of kindness and don’t realize how small things can change a persons day.

Teacher Nick Kukarola says, “ many of my students are respectful but I have recently seen a decline in the amount of students who perform small acts of kindness at school.”

It is easy to avoid looking at beggars on the street, homeless families, and those who are disabled but sometimes a small gesture could make the biggest difference. Doing things like this does not only change that person’s day but it also changes your perception of the world.

Tony Kahkry, self- empowerment author stated, “Kindness has many benefits including increased happiness and a healthy heart. It slows down the aging process and improves relationships and connections, which indirectly boosts your health.”

As can be seen, kindness improves daily life for everyone and does not require a lot of work or time, there are many benefits to being nice and no downsides.

Jerilynn Collette widow from minnesota said, “ When my husband died unexpectedly, a coworker took me under her wing. Every week for an entire year, she would send me a card saying “Just Thinking of You” or “Hang in There.” She saved my life.

This clearly shows that small things can save someone, it is important to notice when others are down or in need of a smile because you could save a life.

On the other hand, some people see kindness as a soft side of people and turn being nice into a sign of weakness.

Kahkry explained, “People believe kindness signifies weakness and being taken advantage of.”

It is evident that the reason why people do not always do kind things is that society has the mindset that kindness is a sign of weakness. If someone shows signs of being weak, it is believed that they are not strong and will not survive in the world.

However, being kind does not make someone weak. What makes someone weak is if they let other people walk all over their kindness and take it for granted.

“You should in no way undermine your self-worth at the expense of others, but simply practice kindness while upholding your integrity,” stated Kahkry.

As can be seen, being kind to others is a good thing. But, you should never modify yourself or what matters to you for someone else. Also, you have to be able to keep your honesty and respect.

All in all, simple acts of kindness can improve someone’s day. Simply by holding a door open for someone, smiling at someone, asking them if they need help, and greeting someone can put a smile on someone’s face and make their day go from bad to good in seconds.

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