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Would you be interested in a new class at AHS?

How many of you know how to properly sew a button?

Or how about how to properly handle a burn while cooking?

Are these traits that you would find necessary as we grow up?

Believe it or not there once was a class that taught students such life skills. A key word being life. Home economics was once a class at Aurora High School. The class focused on cooking, cleaning, nutrition, finance, child care, safety along with many more subtopics. Yet, I am sure you can all notice this class is no longer offered or you may have not even known it once existed. This may also raise the question where has it gone and why?

According to Principal Doctor M, “With an influx of teachers retiring and budget cuts years ago the program was no longer able to go on.”

Although perfectly understandable with the circumstances, my question is why has such an important class not been proposed to be brought back?

Home Economics in recent days is called Family Consumer Finances or for short, FCS. The class is still a curriculum that teaches crucial life skills for people of all ages. However, in recent times many high schools have failed to offer such a class. Now, It is understandable with the immense opportunities of many different classes the class has not been added , however that affect on students does not go unseen.

According to University of Michigan research, “ Incoming students have shown only 15% have learned basic cooking and living skills by the time they enter college. The public for such reasons in 2017 has become in favor of implementing home economics back into schools. ”.

The fact that 15% of incoming college freshman are unable to perform basic life skills for living such as cooking, cleaning and other necessities shows that a change needs to be made.

The state of Pennsylvania went on to make such a change, “ In accordance to 22 PA code, chapter 4, state board of education, FCS is to be taught to introduce life skills."

Not only in other states is this relevant but right here in our own high school. If classes such as family consumer finance was a part of school programs students just like us would be much more prepared to become independent adults.

Furthermore, with our generation consumed with technology many children become dependent upon electronics to perform things for them. Yet what happens when simple life tasks are left to the skills embedded within our own knowledge? Our high school is to blame for such technology use as well. The amount of technology offered to us as students is abundant. We all individually have chromebooks, and the entire student body has the chance to take technological classes such as computer art, photography, keyboarding and the list continues. Now, I honestly find these opportunities amazing and I am grateful for them ;yet, I strongly believe a class such as Family and consumer finance should be offered as well. Especially, because the knowledge gained would be prevalent everyday. Due to not having the class I decided to see if it had an impact in students here at aurora.

Student Bella Burdick stated, “My sister called my mom the first week of college because she did not know how to properly use the laundry machine."

I went on to ask the student if her sister had ever learned to use different types of laundry machines. The answer was no. This goes to show that students left with nothing but their own knowledge and without high tech technology are often unable to perform simple life skills. This all could be avoided if our school system is open to bringing back FCS. The class would teach students to do such tasks such as laundry. Ultimately, leaving the students prepared for any situation whether it be in college, on a trip or even when they get their first home.

In the major scheme of things, all classes we take are important to our development, I am not proposing taking away any of the classes already offered, I am proposing to fight for the introduction of FCS back into the Aurora City school district. First things first, support of students and families alike in the proposal will allow the board to see mass support of the topic. Secondly, if possible I would like to see if any teachers in the school would be willing to take on the class. The class would only be an elective and students could choose to take it. The class would be a semester class leaving room for more students to have the opportunity to take it in just one year. Finally, with access to other school districts that provide such a class like Tallmadge and Kenston. The curriculum could be discussed of the best ways to teach, and learn.

I fully acknowledge that family consumer science or once home ec raised arguments in the past. I know some may argue the class raises stereotype issues along with the fact some may argue it is outdated. However, we live in a society that is in fact constantly changing, the idea of stereotyping women through this class was once prevalent but in truth does not stand anymore. The skills taught in FCS are beneficial to both men and women alike in today's world. I understand tasks such as sewing and laundry may seem “ outdated” yet, in truth technology is not able to do everything for us, nor should we let it. Such life skills taught in FCS are skills that will be needed throughout every single one of our lives in this room.

All in all I believe FCS should be a class introduced here at Aurora. The skills learned from such a class are undoubtedly beneficial to students that they can take with them throughout their entire lives. I am not proposing this happens right away but I am proposing we get the ball rolling. I cannot speak for each one of you but I myself would like to be prepared for the immense life tasks my future will entail. I believe Aurora High school could help with that if giving FCS a chance .

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