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Why students should be given the Monday off before midterms start

The week of exams and finals give students all across the country so much stress and pressure that usually by the end of the week makes them feel drained, mentally and physically. Having a day off the study, decompress and relax would be very beneficial to many students throughout the school. Which is why I believe that the Monday before exams start should be a day off for students and they have the chance for students to come into the school and ask their teacher questions they have for their exam. This day off however would get rid of the exam review session on the Tuesday morning before the first exam begins. This would good for students because it gives them a full day to study and destress, allows them to get done makeup work that they need to get done before the semester ends and it is allows and it would gives students a day to relax and prepare their brains because of the stress it will endure during the week.

I believe a day off would be beneficial for students because first and foremost it gives students a last and final day to study for a very stressful week. Many would reference school as a job and at times it feels like a job. Carol Moran-Brown, director of the Counseling Center at Champlain College, said, “Staying stress-free is important, but stress is not inherently bad for students. There is an ideal level of stress for each one of us, which that helps motivate us to do our best. When we are functioning at that ideal level, we are sufficiently pushed to do our best, yet not paralyzed by the results of excessive stress.” Having students come into exams stress-free is crucial in order for students to be successful and do well on their midterms and I think would help many students during the week.

Having a day off before midterms start would benefit for students because it also gives them a day to try and makeup work from over the semester they forgot to turn in, tests they missed and catch up with teachers about their grades. Students are going a day of school sometime in their life, it almost rare to have perfect attendance. During that day or days one has missed, there will be work to make up. This day off would be the perfect time to get the work you have not finished yet or haven’t got to the work yet.

Finally, a day off before the start students would help students because it gives their brain time to recollect itself and prepare, specifically through sleeping it can do this. According to Brain MD Health, “A good night’s sleep shouldn’t be overlooked. Sleep deprivation directly affects your memory, and can play a crucial role in the way a student studies. Your brain uses sleep to process information and consolidate memories, making it a crucial step in any student’s study plan.” This day off would allow students to catch up on their sleep from the studying they’ve been doing and be one of their final chances to sleep in. Also, I know it may be shocking, but it is actually quite common that students forget to eat full meals. By eating more proteins and fewer simple carbs, like fruits and candy, students are likely to experience less fluctuation in their blood sugar levels and a boost in concentration.

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