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What Should a Typical Study Hall Look Like?

According to Freshman Hannah Wiencek, “ A study hall should be a quiet environment with people studying and working hard to complete tasks that they are given throughout the day.”

A study hall is a period during the day where students should make up missed work and work on th.

Not everyone puts a study hall in their schedule but students who work, play sports, and participate in clubs should use a study hall to do homework.

Teacher Nick Kukarola states, “ As a student who played three Sports in high school, study hall was a dedicated time for me to help me keep pace with my school work. I didn't have a ton of time at night because of practice and work so I needed a study hall.”

Students who use their time wisely and do not goof off during study hall are perfect examples of what a study hall should look like. Some students use their study hall to watch tv, listen to music, or just take a break. Although it may be nice to give your brain a break, a study hall should be used for work.

Senior Carter Gerbrick says, “ I like to use my study hall as a break during my school day. I like to listen to music and do some homework. ”

As long as assignments are turned in on time and students work for a portion of their time, I don’t see a problem with what Gerbrick does, but missing work and homework should always be priority.

Study hall should be used as a time for students to catch up on missed work and tests, and also to complete missing assignments. Having a study hall in your schedule will easily make your day seem a lot less stressful. You can complete homework assignments in this period rather than cramming everything in at home.

Kukarola also says, “ As a teacher, I see students who can use their study hall effectively and I also can see students who use it to waste time or take a break from school work.”

With a study hall in your schedule, you can create new study techniques to help you on your many test throughout the day. You can also get a head start on studying for your big exams you will have to take throughout the year. Study hall can take some of the weight off your back when it comes to completing homework and studying for tests.

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