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Should Aurora offer lacrosse as a spring sport?

Aurora offers many sports for the students to participate in but is lacking one. Over the years lacrosse has become a very popular sport across the country, both in high schools and as a club sport.

Freshman, Derek Blum, shares “I am very passionate about sports and would definitely consider playing lacrosse if a team was created.”

Not only has it become more popular in high schools but it has also become a trending college sport for both men and women. Aurora should add lacrosse as a spring sport or club because it can allow students to participate and possibly lead them to continue playing in college.

According to the NCAA athletic scholarships for lacrosse can be anywhere from $8,000 to $22,000. This is a great opportunity for students to get involved and stay active in college.

Many Aurora students are interested in playing lacrosse and wish they had the opportunity to do so even if it were just for fun. Students search for ways to stay active and meet people so a new sport like lacrosse could be great for this.

Senior, Paige Nelson, says “I would consider playing lacrosse because it is a physical sport and would create more opportunities in our school”

Lacrosse differs from many of the sports offered in high school and can be great for a student looking to pick up a new sport for fun or for a student looking for a new sport to commit to.

Junior, Maria Ferrante, believes “people would play because it would be a fun alternative for those not playing a spring sport. Lacrosse is a sport you can guarantee everyone has a little interest in learning more about.”

Adding lacrosse to the Aurora athletic program would encourage student to play because it would be new to almost everyone. Meaning that they do not need experience starting out, they could sign up and show up with everyone else. Many students fear trying new sports because other students have been playing for years. Lacrosse would create a fun, new, and athletic environment.

Senior, Will Baldwin would be interested in learning more about lacrosse and trying to play because “it is a dynamic sport that combines many motor skills and athletic abilities.”

Senior, Lexi Price, similarly shares, “I would consider playing lacrosse. It gives a larger variety of sports and could encourage students to be more physically active.”

Overall, Aurora should create a lacrosse club or team to offer students a new fun and active opportunity.

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