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Another amazing show from the AHS theater department

The set is coming down and the lines forgotten, but the memories from Lend Me A Tenor will last a lifetime.

The comedic play tells the story of a man who takes the place of an Italian opera singer when the other characters believe he has died; little do they know, he is not dead at all. Senior Johnny Kushan, Senior Karsen Taylor, Senior Nolan Caponi, Junior Nathan Welsh, Junior Grace Caffoe, Junior Brianna Schimandle, Sophomore Alana Noel, and Freshman Mason Kacmar jokingly bring together a great show the audience is constantly laughing with.

Kushan and Caffoe’s Italian accents were stereotypical, but sent everyone to hysterics as their characters yelled at each other on the stage. Similarly, Caponi caused an eruption of laughs when he jumped on top of Kushan’s “dead” character over and over again. The amount of lines Welsh was able to deliver was very impressive and Kacmar’s sassy gestures gave the audience another giggle.

The play had little issues; the only ones being the fast pace of Caponi’s lines and the way Noel’s old woman character was portrayed (as it didn’t seem like she really was an old woman). Yet Noel’s “old smoker” accent made up for it and most lines Caponi recited could be understood fine.

The crew did an amazing job helping with changes on the stage, lighting on the actors, and sound on the speakers. They deserve as much recognition for their efforts as the actors do for their hard work on every show.

A final shoutout must go to Rob Albrecht for having directed this show on his own for another consecutive year. Aurora always enjoys the amazing shows he puts together with student involvement.

With the end of this play comes this year’s spring musical, Into the Woods! Tryouts are usually near the end of the winter sports season and everyone is welcome to audition. We can only look forward to see what new things will happen for the Aurora High School theater department!

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