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Counselors intervene with bullying

Have you ever been bullied throughout your life? Well, nearly half the students between fifth grade to twelfth grade will be a victim to bullying. Research shows if a school counselor interferes sooner rather than later to stop the bullying, than more good will come from the situation.

Victims of bullying tend to react in an irrational way.

According to the research group Secret Data, “About 71 percent of school shooters felt ‘persecuted, bullied, threatened, attacked or injured’ leading up to their rampage. Bullied high schoolers are also more than twice as likely to bring guns or knives to school as their non-bullied peers.” As can be seen, the victim of bullying may not react to the situation right away, but they do ruminate and sometimes will go out with a bang.

Suspects of school shooting have admitted that they did the shooting because they wanted to teach everyone a lesson.

However, according to Stop Bullying, a federal created website, “When adults respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior they send the message that it

is not acceptable. Parents, school staff, and other adults in the community can help kids prevent bullying by talking about it, building a safe school environment, and creating a community-wide bullying prevention strategy.” As can be noted, people believe that if adults intervene it will help prevent the situation from getting worse.

Most teenagers will be a victim of bullying at least once in their lives. Thus, showing that it is important for an adult to interfere. The sooner the adult interferes, will allow the victim to talk about it, feel like they are not alone, and to inform students about the situation.

However if the adults decide to wait to interfere, that can cost someone’s life. This is because, if the bullying increases, the victim will feel worthless and start rumination about their revenge. Thus causing them to want to take actions into their own hands and teach the bully and bystander a lesson.

Therefore, I believe that adults and guidance counselors should intervene in the situation sooner rather than later. They should intervene sooner because in some cases, they victim of bullying will ruminate about revenge and will react in a drastic manner. Thus proving that helping the victim in a short period of time will help decrease anything major from happening and prevent a lot of damage-mentally, physically, or emotionally- to the victim.

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