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Starbucks v.s. Dunkin’ Donuts coffee

Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts have one of the top brand rivalries in the market. Both companies are top coffee producers and compete for the top rank. Coffee has developed from just a morning drink to an all day treat causing the competition to increase.

When people are considering where to go for their coffee needs they consider: price, taste, variety, the quality of the product, and the overall experience.

Senior Julia Robinson says, “I decide where to get my coffee based on the status of my bank account and if I feel life splurging that day.”

Starbucks makes great quality coffee. Along with the great taste of their coffee they are very consistent with the flavor. This is a big factor when it comes to coffee shops that have specialty flavored drinks. It is disappointing to get a drink that tastes amazing the first time you get it and then is different the next time you order it.

On the other hand, Starbucks is on the more expensive side for beverages. While it tastes great and is always a fun treat it might not be worth splurging on. If you are someone that buys coffee every morning the amount of money you spend going to Starbucks will quickly add up.

Senior Will Baldwin says, “I like Starbucks more than Dunkin’ because it tastes less artificial.”

Much like Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts coffee has its pros. Dunkin’ is perfect for people who stop every morning for coffee because they keep it simple. They also have more classic coffee flavors. They give a bigger portion size for a cheaper price than Starbucks. A small iced coffee at Starbucks is smaller than Dunkin’s and costs around three dollars or more. A small drink at Dunkin’ is less than two dollars and they give a better portion size. They are also fast and efficient when it comes to making coffee so you are usually not waiting a long time to receive your order.

Junior Maria Ferrante says “I prefer Dunkin’ Donuts because it tastes less bitter than Starbucks and is cheaper.”

However, Dunkin’ Donuts is less consistent with quality and flavor in their coffee. The coffee typically does not come out tasting the same way each time. Flavored iced coffee at Dunkin’ often has a large amount of sugar and lose a lot of the coffee flavor. Dunkin’ Donuts iced coffee ranges from 30-53 grams of sugar.

Robinson states, “I think the quality of Starbucks coffee is much better but over priced. On the other hand, Dunkin’ has lower quality coffee but a much better price.”

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