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Ohio's grade for Aurora is in

Knowing when the quarter's end is not something that a lot of students track of. It’s something that manages to sneak up on us at last moment and next thing we know we’re snatching opportunities for extra credit as soon as we see them. In case you don’t know, the end of the first quarter is on October 19. To us students, our individual grades is something that we prioritize majority of the time and it’s not a bad thing. However, when was the last time we paid attention to the grade that the student body earned as a collective?

The Ohio Department of Education released the School Report card for each district on September 13. Grades are calculated on six components. Achievement, progress, gap closing improving at-risk K-3 readers, graduation rate and prepared for success. Achievement is graded by student performance on the state test and if students have met the established status quo. Progress is graded by student growth based on past performances. The gap closing grade is based on the most vulnerable students in classes such as Math and Language Arts. Graduation rate and Prepared for success are pretty much self-explanatory.

Here’s our district summary: Overall grade is an A, and we’ve met 22 out of 24 standards. Progress, Gap Closing and Graduation rate we received A’s. Achievement and Prepared for success we received B’s. The district grade isn't something many students pay much attention to. In fact, a lot of them don't even check it all.

It's important for students to be aware of the grade that our school earns as a collective. Dr. Milcetich explains why: " It is important for our students and families to be aware of the district report card because it is a reflection of the great work that is done by our students on a regular basis, which is facilitated by our staff. We continue to keep our focus on creating the best learning environment for students, which maximizes their growth and prepares them with skills for the current time in their lives and their future. The district performing well on the report card affirms that our work together is having a positive impact, as measured by these outside audits conducted by the state." The school district report card shows us where we came from to show us where we need to go academically. Nevertheless, in what way does this directly affect us?

If students don't know how the district report card is relevant to them, then they're not going to put any effort. However, the school report card is very relevant to not only students but educators as well. Milcetich gives us insight as to why "Both students and educators aware of these outside measures or external test that are mandated by the State of Ohio. My perspective is that we do a good job of being aware of the test and report card knowing that if we focus on the input or the educational environment and are aligned as well as informed by the state standards then the outcome or how we do on the report card will take care of itself. We are not a school the solely focus test preparation. That being stated, I am aware that there is pressure on staff for students to do well so they earn the necessary points or do well enough on standardized college entrance exams to reach their destination and goals after high school." The district is giving us guidelines to follow so that we're prepared for college afterward.

Aurora City School students should utilize the information that the state of Ohio gives to us and seize the opportunity to strive for a better education.

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