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The taco results are in

National Taco day is October 4th. In honor of this holiday, we sent out a google form to all the students and staff. On the form we asked five questions: Which is the best restaurant to get tacos, What is your favorite side dish to tacos, What are your favorite taco toppings, soft or hard shell, and chicken or beef. We got a total of 153 responses.

Best restaurant in order: Chipotle (40.8%), Taco Bell (27.2%), El Camino (15%), El Chile Bravo (9.5%), and El Campesino (7.5%). Best restaurant was a multiple choice question and the choices were selected by a few writers of the newspaper and we know that it is not the complete list of taco serving restaurants, but we figured they were the most popular.

The side dishes varied greatly. The most picked was rice with 46 people. 36 people picked chips. Soft shell beat hard shell. It was a 62.5% to 37.5%. Beef beat chicken with by a small margin. The results were 53.7% for beef and 46.3% for chicken. Everyone likes a variety of toppings including lettuce, sour cream, cheese, salsa, and beans.

We have a few honorable mention worthy answers. One was: for side dish, “authentic mexican mac and cheese” and the person said their favorite topping was “None. I will only eat my mac and cheese side dish”. Another favorite was “GUAC”. Someone said “more tacos” as a side while another person said their favorite topping was “a taco”.

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