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A quick insight into Highlights

Everyone wants the opportunity to make the best out of their school year, and Highlights offers an opportunity to do just that. In case you don’t know what the Highlights are they’re the girls (and sometimes boys) that dance with the marching band and the flag girls during halftime during the football games. Highlights practice after school on Mondays Tuesdays and Thursdays is 3:15 to 5 and on Wednesdays it's 6 to 9. To be in Highlights, you have to try out for it and practice starts in July, and it practices alongside the band. Their first performance is during the fourth of July parade for the Aurora community.

I asked Celeste Conley, a sophomore in Highlights, about some of the questions people might have if they would like to be apart of Highlights. Since Highlights is something you have to try out for I asked Conley what things you should expect while trying out: “Tryouts occur during the end of the school year with time in between them and the performing season. For tryouts, the soon-to-be must learn a routine and perform it at the end of the week for a for a group of instructors, which will determine whether or not you are a good fit for the Highlight squad.” I remember at the end of the year I saw a lot of who were people trying out for Highlights practicing in the halls and who were super stressed for getting the routine down.

Some people might be worried that their grade level might affect whether or not they make the cut since you tend to see more upperclassmen in Highlights. However, Conley is here quell or fears. It's all about effort, not age. “Anyone can become a highlight if they meet the certain requirements of the squad. If at the end of tryouts there is conflict amongst the instructors, as to whom they will choose they might choose Senior over a Freshman if their talent levels are equal, but for the most part this is not a problem.” If you focus most of your concern on having your dance routines down instead of comparing to everyone else, then the tryout process should be way less stressful than it needs to be.

Conley mentioned that people who might want to join should know who’s calling the shots during the practice and games. "Highlights has a major focus and their input is greatly implemented, but Mrs. Myers is the instructor of the Highlights. You may know her from Harmon as the English/Social Studies. Though she is the instructor of Highlights, Mr. Nabring is the Director of the Marching Band and he is usually the one who makes the big decisions.” Highlights can give you the chance to have some of your ideas heard and performed while on the field.

Highlights is an opportunity to be able to broaden your horizons and see people with many different interest and hobbies come together to create memories that you’ll want to remember for the rest of your life. If you are interested, make sure near the end of the school year you try out.

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