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Drama club opens doors to new opportunity

Everyone has their own drama, and everyone wants to be a star on their own stage-what if you could put it towards a club? Drama Club is headed by Mr. Rob Albrecht and meets every other Tuesday. The Drama Club helps to raise money in order to put on the school play and musical each year.

Albrecht stated the upcoming activities for the club, “We are planning a musical cabaret for February. We also sell candy and water at the high school shows as well as the Harmon musical.”

This is a great way for students to get involved and lend a hand. This goes to show the many benefits to Drama Club. All of the fundraising and musicals performed looks very good on college applications. It shows that you volunteered and put time into something that helped in aiding the school.

Albrecht states, “You can put it on your resume. As an officer in the club, you learn about leadership and how to run a formal meeting. As a member of the club, you have the opportunity to also be a member of the International Thespian Society. This is an international collection of high school students who value working in the theater.”

On this note, Drama Club doesn't just look good for applications but also allows you to further your acting career or even learn more about the stage crew. If you are someone who is shyer or have a little stage fright then that's ok! Albrecht informed me that they do not force anyone to be in the plays you have the option to be on the stage crew, it's your choice to what you contribute. The club officers are Hannah Kulawiak - President, Ryan Kacmar - Vice President, Karson Taylor - Treasurer and Logan Jancsurak - Secretary.

I also got a chance to talk with Ashley Foster, one of the members of the club. Ashley gave insight into what a typical meeting for Drama Club consist of, “We talk a lot about fundraising because we really need it. We also run ticket sales and concessions for all the shows so we see who is available to do that stuff. The Dazzle Awards are usually at the top of our list when things get into swing because our members are allowed to do free workshops at Playhouse Square during the year!”

Drama Club can really open up great opportunities for someone as an actor or actress in the theater. If this sounds like the club for you contact Mr.Albrecht and see about joining!

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