Quiz Bowl hope to head to nationals
If you love competition and expanding your intelligence than Quiz Bowl is the club for you! The club allows you to expand your intelligence on different subjects, and have a friendly competition.
The teacher advisor of this club is Mrs. Annie Walker. This club is designed for people who enjoy trivia, and competitions like the T.V. show, Jeopardy. They compete with other schools in answering questions covering a variety of academic topics as well as pop culture and current events material.
The club practices every Tuesday and Wednesday in Walker’s room 102.
“The meetings are an hour and a half and vary based on the day. Tuesday meetings usually consist of group discussion and learning- we will usually decide on topics to learn about beforehand. Friday meetings are often running questions and competing with each other, we form two teams and basically simulate competition.”
As can be seen, the student advisor Sanjana Duvvuri has stated that the group’s meetings happen every week but each meeting has a different agenda.
The club does tournaments, and the upcoming tournaments are at Case Western and Solon. The Aurora High School is hosting a tournament in November.
Like every other club in Aurora High School, Quiz Bowl has benefits.. The benefits of this club is you are exposed to a variety of topics and information that may or may not be available in the classes that are offered at school. And being a member of Quiz Bowl can help a student make friends and find a place to belong.
And if you are questioning whether or not you should join this club - ask yourself if you are someone who enjoys learning. You do not have to know everything, or be an expert. The Quiz Bowl team is made up of a bunch of students who have a variety of intelligence, and interests. But as a member of Quiz Bowl, you have to be willing to learn new subjects and take on new interests.

Student advisor, Sanjana Duvvuri, never expected herself to join Quiz Bowl. But she at first only joined it because her friend, Joey convinced her to go to her first meeting in sophomore year and she loved it. Since everyone was super supportive, she got really motivated to accomplish something productive and have fun opportunities. This club gave her the opportunity to challenge her knowledge and expand her knowledge on varying topics, but especially science topics.
“Quiz Bowl has made me a more knowledgeable and well rounded person - I have a newfound confidence to speak knowledgeably about a variety of concepts, and it presents you with the opportunity to delve deeper into subject matter we don’t necessarily learn in school. The club also presents many leadership opportunities, you don’t need to be a captain to step up and take charge of the team’s learning, which is something very different from other clubs. Regardless of experience or knowledge level, I think there is something very rewarding that anyone can take from quiz bowl, so if you are interested, come to a meeting! ”
In Duvvuri’s observation, Quiz Bowl has allowed her to grow her confidence and intelligence. And this club gives people a sense of accomplishment as you expand your interest and grow as a person!
Sanjana Duvvuri said, “I am proud to have been part of the varsity team that went to state competition for the past two years and along with many members of our team, I have earned individual high-scoring awards in our county league. This year, we are fundraising to go to nationals in Atlanta, Georgia and I am really looking forward to competing - I think one of our biggest accomplishments as a team will be collectively working on meeting that goal.”
The Quiz Bowl team is performing a fundraiser to go to participate in their first ever trip to nationals. The fundraiser is being held at Hickory River Smokehouse on Monday, September 24. And 10% of the profits will go to the trip. By allowing 10% of the profits to go to the trip, all you have to do is order something in person and mention that you are here in support of the Aurora Quiz Bowl team.