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Vending machines need to be put to use

Vending machines have become prominent in schools across America. But what is the point of having vending machines when the students are unable to use them when they need them? It has come to many students attention that the vending machines here at Aurora High School are shut off for during the hours of fourth, fifth, sixth lunches and part of seventh period. My question is why spend thousands of dollars on a machine that is not used as much as it could be?

According to the “Policy on Vending Machine in Schools” from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the reasoning for vending machines not being open during lunch hours is really “to promote healthy options, as our cafeteria is held to a high standard and dietary guideline in terms of what they offer. The vending machines are regulated but not typically as healthy.”

However, what if I demonstrated to you that foods in the vending machines are healthier than the food sold in the cafeteria? Foods like french fries, Bosco sticks, corn dogs and ice cream sold in the AHS cafeteria are not that healthy by my definition. The vending machines here in the school include healthy choices like Rx bars, Clif bars, Vitamin Water, trail mix, pretzels, and many more. The foods that the vending machine can provide can help many students throughout the school. The vending machines may not just help students that buy, they can also students that pack if they would like to add another snack to their lunches that they do not have at home.

A vending machine does not only provide snacks, but also provides profit for the school. With the funds new supplies could be ordered such as computers, new text books, or new sports equipment. It is a win for both students and faculty. Certain departments are lacking funds for specific materials, which the vending machines could provide for. Because many students do not get to the school early enough or leave immediately after school for hobbies, work, sports or extracurricular students do not have enough to put good use for the vending machines. Lunch time is the crucial time to turn on the vending machines.

I think opening up the vending machines during lunch hours are a great idea for students, faculty and visiting adults. The foods can satisfy all and include great health options as growing students need in their nutrition and diet. Some days you need take a step away from the school lunch line, and look through the glass window, like the vending machine glass window.

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