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Gateway to creativity

As the wet paint brush streamed the canvas, it felt like all of my problems were melting away with each stroke I made. And it felt like sparks were going off inside my head as wires connected in my brain. But the only thing that allows me to experience these feelings is art. Art allows my mind improve and make connections, and it also eliminates stress and feels like a rock was lifted off my chest.

I believe that no matter what, a student should take an art class. This is because researchers have discovered that making art allows improvement to the human mind, eliminates stress, improves creative thinking, and can completely change a person’s life.

“The team led by neurologists Anne Bolwerk and Christian Maihofner observed ‘a significant improvement in psychological resilience’ as well increased levels of ‘functional connectivity’ in the brain amongst participants of the visual art production group.”

As can be seen, the researchers at the University Hospital Erlangen have discovered that taking an art class would enhance the human mind.

The research team also discovered that art increases brain plasticity and connectivity, improves overall behav­ior, reduces impulsiveness, helps eliminate stress, encourages creative thinking, and creates a sense of accomplishment.

Art is not just used as a class in school; it is also used as art therapy to help a person with a social or emotional situation. Art therapy does this by helping the brain to heal, reprogramming the brain, and redirecting neurons, and changing someone’s life for the better.

On the other hand, most people view art classes as pointless and students should not have to take the class. People believe that art is not a real class, and that people only take art classes to waste time and get an easy A. Also people believe that art is about creativity and you can not learn that. So, taking an art class when you do not have creativity is pointless.

However, since most schools require students to take a fine art class, this proves that art is essential to life. And since it is a required in most schools, students should not take an art class just to get an easy A, and to waste time. Instead, you should take an art class to advance your brain and encourage creative thinking. Also, no one is born with art, you can only learn and let time expand your experience, and gather creativity as your experience increases and how much time you spend practicing art.

Overall no matter what your view on the topic is, you should take an art class. It does not just develop your creative thinking, it also improves the brain and can help a person in a emotional or a social situation. Thus proving that you should take an art class to help yourself in the long run.

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