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Novak's music delivers awe-inspiring messages for all

Music is everywhere. We listen to songs on the radio. We go to concerts with our families and friends. We stream music off of Spotify and watch music videos on YouTube. Music is used to connect to each other and disconnect to our own world. We also have the ability to create music. Musician/Singer Tyler Novak proves that music is more than just something we listen to on a daily basis-- Music can be used to express oneself. Since middle school, Novak has always had a passion for writing and producing songs.

“I started really getting involved in music in the 7th grade. Writing kind of provided a way for me to get out of my head-space and write about things like mental illness and identity in a non-biased point of view.”

Novak goes into detail discussing the meaning behind the lyrics within his songs. Overall, Novak categorizes his music into the alternative genre. He generalizes his lyrics so people can take what they need to from his tracks.

In addition, Novak explains he has gone through a lot within his life and wants to prevent others from slipping down as well. In line with deep topics, Novak’s song “Battles” portrays the messy reality behind someone important in life discarding him/her and the waves of depression that typically come after. Novak’s personal favorite is an upcoming single and will be featured on his soon-to-be released album The Arsonist.

Writing one song can take as little as an hour and as much as a full year. Sometimes he will have a chorus in mind and churn out a song from there. Other times random ideas will pop up in his head and he will scribble them down in a notebook and come back to them later if needed.

Novak has not only released his songs online but has performed live as well all the way from events to talent shows.

“Performing live is always such a rush. Being able to share something you've created through any medium is always exciting, but for me nothing will top being able to let loose and sing some songs with friends, family & strangers.”

There are a few inspirations that come to mind, but the band that has inspired Novak the most is Switchfoot, an alternative rock band from San Diego.

“I love their stuff, man. It's very raw and hard hitting.”

Novak hopes his music will carry him over to a career. He aspires to be able to make writing, performing, and producing music a full-time job. Furthermore, Novak has advice for those who decide to take the same path.

“I'd say definitely keep your goals in mind. There are people who will constantly put you and the things you produce down- people can be mean in any field but it's especially prevalent in an industry as competitive as music. Don't let them get to you too much, or yourself for the matter. No one starts out perfect, you know? I'd say take things slow, give yourself time to learn your work-space, style, etc.”

Novak’s music has messages nearly anyone can relate to and be inspired by. It is fascinating that Aurora has talented and gifted people like him, and I hope that his journey as a musician blossoms even more.

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