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Invisible Children in Africa

Often times here in Aurora, and other places in the United States, it is very easy to overlook problems happening in other countries. Documentaries like Invisible Children make it easier for us to see the issues other countries are facing and allow us to get involved if we want to.

Invisible Children mainly takes place in Uganda and focuses on the child refugees from the war in Sudan. It was made by Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey, and Laren Poole when they traveled to Africa to document the war in Sudan, but they quickly realized there was a bigger story to be told.

As they travel around Africa they soon see all the children that have been displaced by this war and what the members of Lord’s Resistance Army (The Rebels) are willing to do to these kids who have no one to protect them.

More importantly though you get to see the kids and how they are coping with this terrible event that has turned their whole lives upside down. Yes they are sad and distraught, but they also laugh and dance. It is really a beautiful thing to watch.

Personally, I think it is absolutely worth the watch, especially if you like documentaries. Even if you are like me and you don’t usually like documentaries this one is still an amazing movie to see. It doesn’t feel like you are watching a documentary, it’s really easy to connect with because of the people who made it. It doesn’t really have any downfalls. If you really hate documentaries you might not enjoy it as much, but regardless the topic it covers is still important to inform yourself about.

They also started a whole organization from this movie that I think you should check out. Even if you can’t get involved or donate, sharing it and getting the word out there is just as important.

Below is a link to the organization and you can find the documentary there and on youtube.

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