Aurora puts on a production of Big Fish
This past weekend, our school put on a production of Big Fish. For those of you who do did not get the chance to attend the play, Big Fish was about a man, Edward, who tells his son stories about mythical creatures. The son, Will, grows up with an invalid image of his father and then he grows up to realize that his father was not what he thought.
Throughout the play, there are multiple conflicts that arise to thicken the plot as this father and son maneuver their way through their relationship.
The play was directed by English teacher, Rob Albrecht. He has directed many of the plays that Aurora has produced. He directed, Nice Work If You Can Get It, Our Town and many more, but why did he choose Big Fish as this year's spring musical?
When asking him what lead him to this decision Albrecht said, “There were many reasons that went into this decision. The first reason was that I wanted to do a smaller show than we have done the past few years. For the last four years we did shows with cast sizes between 40 and 50 actors. Big Fish has 28. Secondly, I really liked the music and the message. Lastly, it fits with the students that we have this year.”
While many of his reasons related to the size of the cast and what he enjoys, he also chose a play that he hoped the audience would be able to relate to and enjoy: “Parents will see their relationships with their children and hopefully understand about not taking the time that we have together for granted.”
This play allowed parents and students to relate to the plot because so many of them are going away in the fall. The cast of Big Fish had a good amount of seniors which means that this was their last time performing at Aurora before they all head out onto their own life stage.
Since the musical was relatable to both parents and students, how did the audience feel about the performance?
Senior Olivia Conces said, “ I liked the meaning behind the musical because it sent a good message.”
Likewise, Senior Chayanna Conley said, “The acting was really good and the music helped the audience follow Will on his journey. It was a good life lesson towards family members.”
Olivia and Chayanne both agree that the play sent a good message that everyone can cherish.
Not only did the musical send a good message, but it also had good music. Senior Jordan Parks also enjoyed the musical. “I really enjoyed the music because it was catchy.”
Jordan liked the musical because of not only the message it sent, but also because the music was enjoyable.
Not only was it impactful for the audience, but it also meant a lot to the cast.
Senior Ethan Walker played Don Price in the musical and he said, “This play showed me the importance of cherishing the time I have with family.”
By sending the impactful message that people should cherish and be thankful for the time they have with family, Big Fish was an important and meaningful musical. Overall, after receiving positive feedback it looks like Albrecht directed yet another successful musical.