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Should there be a Solo movie?

There is a new star wars movie that’ll show up in theaters May 25 of this year. It’s called “Solo: A Star Wars Story”. Since this is a Star Wars movie, a lot of people are excited for it. However, not everyone is thrilled about what they've seen from the new take on the beloved character Han Solo. For the first time, Harrison Ford is not acting as Han Solo in the Star Wars movies. Alden Ehrenreich will be acting as Han Solo, which, according to IGN, is the most concern for Star Wars fans. IGN(Imagine Games Network), a video game and entertainment media company, says, “Han Solo isn’t about the character, or the vest, or the attitude. He’s a dashing rogue, a scoundrel with a twinkle in his eye, but so what? Characters like him are cheap and plentiful. It was the formidable charisma of Harrison Ford that turned him into a pop culture juggernaut.” Some people never wanted a Han Solo movie. “I think there was some skepticism from the very beginning,” says Brandon Rhea, the content manager at Fandom and operator of the Wookieepedia Twitter feed. “I don’t think it’s an invalid question to ask, ‘Why do we need a prequel movie about Han Solo? So all the trailers and the marketing are going to have to sway people away from that skepticism and sell the idea that this is a story worth telling.” But what gets worse for many of the Star Wars faithful, Solo brings up memories of previous prequel installments which are Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. These are generally understood as the franchise’s worst movies. “Star Wars has a troubled history with prequel films,” noted YouTuber/cultural commentator Ryan—Straight Up! in a February 5 Solo trailer-reaction video. “And that, combined with the fact that Lucasfilm is telling a story that I don’t really think needs to be told leaves much to be desired about the film. And frankly, it gives it much higher expectations than it probably should.” There is a lot in the trailer that does make you want to see the movie. Emilia Clarke and Woody Harrelson in a galaxy far far away, look very promising and some people are calling for a Lando movie after seeing a glimpse of Donald Glover's take on the character. The cinematography looks breathtaking. In addition, this story looks like something truly new and different and still feels like Star Wars. Solo: A Star Wars Story will depict Han meeting Chewbacca and crossing paths with notorious gambler Lando Calrissian. J.J. Abrams, who is the keeper of all things Star Wars, has said the movie will take place somewhere around 10 years prior to the events of Star Wars: A New Hope. This potential time period is interesting because it sits basically smack in between the end of the prequel trilogy and the beginning of the original trilogy. The Empire will exist, and as a decent force, but not nearly at the level of power that they have in Star Wars: A New Hope. In conclusion, there are mixed reactions to Solo: A Star Wars Story. Some people say it is not necessary to have a movie about Han Solo. It might ruin Han Solo for the fans because Harrison Ford won’t be him. However, some people are saying how this movie will be spectacular because of the interesting direction the Star Wars franchise is going.

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