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Michael Avalon takes on his last year in hockey

Michael Avalon, #7, is one of the many hockey players that make our Greenmen special. Michael Avalon is a senior who not only plays hockey, but he also plays golf. Even though he participates in more than hockey, I was interested in learning more about who Michael is as a hockey player. Most importantly, when and why he started playing in the first place.

“I started playing ice hockey freshman year and my brothers convinced me to play.”

Michael started playing without having any personal motive to join, but luckily ended up enjoying the sport. Specifically, he says, “I like that it is a very united/ team sport that is fast pace.”

Fortunately, he enjoys the sport, but he does mention the fact that occasionally refs can make the games unenjoyable. With that being said, his high school hockey career has been overall pleasant. Although there is one memory that stands out above the rest for Michael.

“My best memory is when we beat Brooklyn last year in the semifinals of the Baron Cup in overtime to go to the championship. It was a very awesome game that was well fought by both teams to the last second.”

Not only will the Baron cup game leave a lasting impact on Michael, but he’ll also be able to take other memories with him. When talking to Michael I was also curious to know what hockey means to him.

“It has made me branch out to more people to become better friends with as well as more conditioned than I am during the golf season.”

Hockey has made a positive impact on Michael’s life and has opened many new doors for him whether it be meeting new people or experiencing new things. As the team heads into the new season and Michael starts his last year of hockey he expresses what his goals are for the upcoming year.

“Some of my goals for this season would be going to the Baron Cup again and winning it this time. I also want to score at least 20 goals this season.”

Heading into the upcoming season, Michael has high hopes for his last high school hockey season. Although he does plan on continuing in college, he only plans on playing in and intramural league. After high school, Michael is looking into going to either Ohio University or Miami, Ohio to study something in the business field.

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