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Is Violence Influenced by Games?

Some people may believe that video games and movies may be a bad influence on people. Some people may believe it is a bad influence because of how violent it has become or how much of a distraction it is.

Modern video games and movies have become more violent than ever before. It what’s makes them fun these days. This could be a huge blast or a huge disaster. What this means is that violence, real violence, may be influenced by violence from what people see everyday on screen. Getting rid of video games and movies are not the solution but people need a constant awareness of real violence in the world today.

According to, 27% of people agree that video games and movies are a bad influence. Some believe games and movies are bad because it leads to more addiction. Another reason people agree is because it helps gain no educational knowledge. In conclusion, 27% of people agree that video games and movies are a bad influence.

According to, 73% of people believe that movies and video games are not a bad influence at all. Most people believe that because it can lead to talking more people on the internet and becoming friends with people across the globe. It helps with the gamer’s social skills. Also, people believe that it helps the gamer learn on teamwork, become more alert, and increases short term memory. In conclusion, 73% of people believe that movies and video games are not a bad influence.

What can be done to solve this dilemma? Well, perhaps, people can be more aware of the real violence and addiction that happens in the world by educating kids to not do those things. For example, schools teach kids about the dangers of addiction so kids would have second thoughts about it.

In my opinion, I believe that video games and movies are not the only influence of violence. Video games are fun to play with your friends and family. Some people take video games too seriously which starts a huge argument that doesn’t need to exist. Video games and movies are never going away so people need to “cope” with it. In other words, deal with it!

In conclusion, is violence influenced by games and movies, yes. However, it’s not the only source of violence. Peers, drinking, driving, etc. Be cautious on what you see and do and be cautious on what the outcome might be.

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