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S.A.D.D. club is not as sad as you think

Aurora High School has many different sports to participate in, but what about those who may not be athletic? Not only do we have multiple sports to choose from, we also have a wide variety of clubs.

Specifically, S.A.D.D. club (Students Against Destructive Decisions). This club is run by junior/ senior math teacher, Stephanie.Duncan. The club meets every other Friday (first and third friday of the month) for about 30 minutes each session.

Many students may not know what S.A.D.D. club is and after talking to Duncan, she provided an informational description that better explains what the club entails.

“S.A.D.D. is a group of students who share a common life choice against destructive decisions and work in conjunction with other clubs to promote drug and alcohol free events at the school.”

This is important because there are so many drug/ alcohol related accidents today and being able to go to a club where you can think of ways to promote alternative ways to have fun. Not only does this club focus on drugs and alcohol, but i

t also goes beyond it’s members and reaches out to other clubs.

“This club joins with other school clubs and helps sponsor events that are already going on. We initially joined with Aurora For Others to make the first annual dodgeball event.”

By joining this club you gain the opportunity to stand up against drugs and to also give a helping hand to other clubs and school events. When talking to Duncan about the club she explained what her hopes are for this club.

“I want the club to grow to be at least 50 members so that we can create new events at the school to support students wanting to get together to have a fun (drug-free) time.”

Not only does she want this club to grow and be successful, but she hopes that it is meaningful to the members.

“This club should help students develop as responsible young people who understand that drugs are not needed to have fun in a social way.”

The past few years, S.A.D.D. club has not had as many members asDuncan would like and hopefully by getting the word out about what the club is and does will spread the word and the club will grow.

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