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Junior of the week: Jack Arnold

Jack Arnold is a running back and linebacker for the AHS football team.

Here at Aurora High School we have so many interesting and unique students that deserve to be in the spotlight. Junior of the week, Jack Arnold is just one of those many students.

Name: Jack Arnold

Grade: Junior

Favorite Hobby: Watching movies

Sport participation: Football, Basketball

Clubs and extracurriculars: None

Family/Siblings: Four brothers: Thomas, Bobby, Joey, and Quinn Parents: Bob and Lisa

Favorite food: Salmon

Favorite color: Blue

Pet/Dream pet: Golden Doodle named Henry

Dream career: Chiropractor or Senator

Place you would like to visit some day: Bora Bora

Favorite book/movie or song: Book: 11/23/62

Fun fact about you: Used to live in Solon.

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