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The Traveling Social Studies Teacher.

It’s no secret that Social Studies teacher Pam King loves to travel around the globe; just taking a look at her white board will show you the abundance of places she has had the opportunity to visit. So the fact that she went to Chicago and San Diego this summer isn’t much of a surprise.

Her love for travel came from her family. According to King, they used to pile into their van and drive to a new destination. She got to see many interesting parts of America this way, and, after saving up, they even got to go to Paris and London. But for her it was never about having the most luxurious vacation; it was about seeing new and exciting places.

Obviously those road trips had an impact on her because now she typically spends her summers finding new places to explore. For instance, this summer she traveled to Chicago to see the Broadway play, Hamilton. An amazing opportunity considering tickets were extremely hard to come by.

King said, “My mom said it was just as entertaining to watch the show as it was to watch me.”

King also worked at her cousin’s realty office over the summer. This gave her the opportunity to go to San Diego for an event called the Mastermind Summit, hosted by New York Times bestseller, Brian Buffini. It was all about setting goals and achieving your maximum potential. Plus it gave her the chance to explore southern California.

But this was a laid back summer for the Social Studies teacher. As some of her past summer trips include: Iceland, England, Paris, and Italy.

When she began talking about the places she’s been and how she chooses where she wants to go King jokingly said,“I haven't been there yet, but it’s on my list.” when talking about how she chooses where she wants to go. But also explained that she feels more attached to european countries because of the history and lack of significant language barrier.

She also shared another little mantra for how she picks her destinations,“I feel like if you can get to Europe for under $800.00 you have to do it.”

It was hard for her to narrow down her favorite travel destination so she picked two, Iceland and London. She kind of stumbled upon her tickets to Iceland, so it’s funny that it easily became one of her favorite trips.

“There’s nothing like Iceland...It just feels other worldly,” King described. And as a history buff London rose to the top of her list as well.

As she came to a close about her love for travel she talked about how there were so many different experiences in every place she had visited. And how she is so blessed to have these different opportunities to explore the world and learn more. King looks forward to putting more pictures on her white board.

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