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He is sooooo bol.

Inspiration comes in all different forms. At this crucial point in their lives, seniors all around the nation are investing their precious time into researching schools, refining their options, and finally deciding which college will be the best to prepare them for the future. One student in particular knows exactly where he wants to end up, as his inspiration came from close to home.

Senior student Trevor Sobol hopes to become a doctor- specifically, “An oncologist who performs translational research along with clinical work.” For those who are confounded, he described translational research as, “Done on a subject which directly relates to patient care; it’s research that applies directly to treatment or cures.”

Many students have dreams of becoming successful in the medical field but few have the inspiration that Sobol does. When asked how he decided his career path, he responded, “Several of my close relatives have been diagnosed with cancer so now it feels like a moral obligation rather than an interest.”

Sobol has family in California, and he visits them frequently. In fact, “For the past four or five years, we’ve gone annually for about two weeks each time.” In doing so, he has had the opportunity to visit colleges on the west coast. One of his favorites being UCLA.

In visiting UCLA on a self-guided tour, he met a man who lead him to a wonderful opportunity. Sobol elaborates, “After waiting in the lobby of the molecular biology building for some time, an Indian gentleman named Dulio and after briefly discussing my credentials, he offered to show me around his labs. He then offered me a position in one of his labs for the summer of 2018 where I would work for an extended period of time with his research partners,despite where I end up enrolling for undergrad.”

Needless to say, this opportunity was met with unfettered excitement from him and his family. Sobol said, “All my friends and family were proud of me and are excited to hear how it goes.” Since he has hopes of becoming an oncologist, this internship is a wonderful opportunity for him to develop his future.

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