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AHS Senior Nicole Eastman and NHS put on croc drive

In the past few weeks, Senior and NHS Member Nicole Eastman has been working with the National Honors Society to gather used Crocs. They have been collecting the old shoes across all of the the Aurora City Schools and one night at the Croc Store in Aurora Farms.

Eastman says she was inspired to do the project after going on a mission trip with her church, Holy Angels. “I went to El Salvador last summer on a mission trip and I noticed the need for shoes, especially for young people,” said Eastman. “I decided Crocs would be great for this project because they are light to send and they are well-suited for the warm climate of El Salvador.”

The donated pairs will in fact be sent down to El Salvador. “The Crocs are going to be sent down with the next group from my church going to El Salvador and given out to the town of Teotepeque and some of the surrounding towns,” said Eastman.

Eastman worked with fellow Senior Deanna Sagaris and several other NHS members to collect the shoes. Members could drive to the other schools, such as Leighton or Craddock, and pick up the shoes kids had donated. Also, they held a one night event at the Aurora Farms Outlet Store for Crocs. Several students helped man a table outside the store and collected Crocs. Those who donated were awarded with a 20% off coupon for their next pair.

Eastman said she was happy with how it turned out, “I enjoyed creating this project because I know these Crocs are being given to very deserving people, and I am so happy to help those I met on the trip.”

In total, they have collected 42 pairs of Crocs. They are still accepting donations, and if you’d like to give a pair or two, talk to Eastman or Mrs. Simmerman.

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