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New Lego Movie Has Something For Everyone

Released in theaters on February 10th, 2017, The Lego Batman Movie is continuing the legacy of quality Lego movies, great for kids and parents alike. The movie, a response to the recent revamping of the Batman character in DC’s core films, serves as a brighter, more family friendly take on the dark superhero.

The Lego Batman Movie is a 3D animated film directed by Chris McKay. Batman (Will Arnett), is tasked with saving his city of Gotham from the evil Joker (Zach Galifianakis). However, his superhero abilities alone aren’t enough this time, as he needs to learn the value of working with others and a positive attitude.

Chris McKay is an American television and film director, producer, and animator. A Florida native, McKay now resides in Chicago, Illinois, where he first studied filmmaking. He was inspired by Alfred Hitchcock movies as a child, and knew from a very early age that movies were his passion.The Lego Batman Movie is McKay’s feature film directorial debut, after co-directing the animation of the original Lego Movie (2014), an enormous success.

Star voice actor Will Arnett was born in Toronto, Canada, and has become an American television and movie icon. Famous for his acting work in hit show Arrested Development, Arnett first delved into voice acting in various CBS commercials and supporting roles on animated Comedy Central shows. The Lego Batman Movie

is undoubtedly Arnett’s largest voice role to date, and the Canadian has been quoted claiming his childhood dream was to become Batman.

Zach Galifianakis grew up in Wilkesboro, North Carolina. His grandparents immigrated from Greece, and his family lived a very modest life. Zach, however, made his first television appearance on Comedy Central Presents at the early age of 21. Since then, he has acted in feature films The Hangover, Due Date, and The Campaign, while writing in stints for Saturday Night Live. Galifianakis now hosts a talk show on The Funny or Die website, called Between Two Ferns, featuring a variety of typical interview questions, famous guests, intentionally awkward product endorsements, and no shortage of uncomfortable moments, fitting for his style of comedy.

The Lego Batman Movie is great for children and adults alike, following in the footsteps of the original Lego Movie. The film teaches a great lesson of working together and lightening up sometimes, while incorporating quality comedy and several DC easter eggs for superhero fanatics. Overall, Chris McKay’s first feature film has something for everyone, and is well worth the price of admission.

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