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Aurora Professional Firefighters send care packages to armed forces overseas

This year, Aurora’s union of firefighters extends the holiday spirit to their fellow safety forces an ocean away. Members of the National Honor Society will be gathering at the fire station to assemble the packages for shipping.

Union President Tony Marotta said, “While the residents of Aurora take care of the local safety forces (fire and police) by dropping off desserts and sending cards of gratitude, we all too often forget about those that are protecting us so far from home.”

The firefighters will be sending packages to armed forces stationed in Afghanistan. Community members are highly encouraged to make donations, whether they be items for the care packages or monetary donations to cover the cost of shipping.

Donations may be dropped off at Fire Station 1 (please use front door), located next to the high school. Checks can be made out to the “Aurora Prof. Firefighters,” with a note about the Military Care Package Program in the memo section.

Some of the most-valued items are healthy snacks such as jerky, trail mixes, granola bars, raisins, and fruit snacks; drink mix packets such as Gatorade, lemonade, iced tea, and crystal light; microwavable food such as Easy Mac, popcorn, Cup O’Noodles, Chef Boyardee, and oatmeal; non-perishable food such as tuna cans, fruit cups, peanut butter, Nutella, and soups; chocolate; toiletries such as travel-size shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, body wash (preferred over bar soap), Tylenol, Tums, travel-size baby wipes, bug repellant (Off Deep Woods Towlettes), and hand sanitizer; personal items such as white or black socks, dark hair elastics, hand and foot warmers, and batteries; and entertainment such as books, DVDs, and magazines.

“Although the items will not make it to our troops by Christmas, I am sure they would still greatly appreciate the donations,” said Marotta.

He added, “We would like to make this an annual program.”

Finally, the union will gladly send any letters of gratitude individuals would like to send to members of our armed forces.

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