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A reminder on AHS student section etiquette

With students at all Aurora schools heading back from summer break this past week, it is important to remember school rules and regulations at AHS. Going into this coming school year, students of all grades should be especially aware of new guidelines regarding etiquette during football games and how the rules may have changed since previous years.

Many students remember last year’s controversy over new football game rules. At the time, several visits to the emergency room and bountiful audience complaints had resulted in the banning of projectiles like baby powder, confetti, and water bottles from the stadium as well as the prohibition of traditional chants that contained profane language.

Many students were outraged, feeling that these new rules violated their traditions and prohibited them from having a good time during football season. However, these rules, no matter how draconian they may seem to students, do indeed have practical reasons behind them.

“[At football games,] we want to show our sportsmanship and support our teams without doing any harm or causing any negative repercussions, “ said AHS Principal Dr. Paul Milcetich. “It is important to remember our behavior at these events is reflective of our school.”

Thus, the rules will carry on through this school year despite complaints.

“I believe that it’s kind of unfair for the school to dictate what we do during football games,” said Senior Dominic Risko, someone who disagrees with the new prohibitions. “We have traditions that can’t be performed anymore due to these new rules, and because of that a lot of students aren’t enjoying themselves as much as before.”

Another senior student, Madison Smith, disagrees, however, stating that the rules are there to “make the games as fun for everyone at the stadium as they are for students.”

During football games, Aurora students will be expected to remain polite, keep the atmosphere family-friendly, and find ways to have fun without posing a hazard to other students or an issue for custodial staff.

These reminders are especially important going into the new football season. During Aurora’s third football game this Friday against Twinsburg High School, students must take extra care to rein in their excitement and focus on building a positive atmosphere for all players and audience members to enjoy.

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