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Spring Fashion at AHS

As spring approaches AHS students fill the halls dressed in fashionable, pastel colors. Popular outfit selections include white jeans, floral blouses, sun dresses, pastel pants/shorts, Sperry’s, and sandals.

According to Seventeen magazine, this year's spring color is burnt orange and will make you feel fresh and new. To add a flashy accessory to your everyday life a suede fringe purse is the way to go. Also, for a semi formal look an off-the-shoulder dress is the perfect outfit for a casual event. Seventeen magazine also said big floral patterns are out of style, but small daisies are in.

Senior Caroline Braun said her spring essential is a pair of strappy sandals. Braun also explained her favorite spring outfit. “In the spring my favorite outfit to wear is a pair of dark denim jeans and a cute patterned tank top,” said Braun.

Similar to Braun senior Jordan Podojil expressed her liking for strappy sandals. Podojil said, “ My favorite outfit is a sundress and my spring essential would be a light or pastel colored article of clothing. I like to shop at Pacsun during the spring months.”

According to Us Weekly this spring people should ditch plaid and wear stripes because they are the best accent to any outfit. Stripers are bolder, unique and can make any outfit more stylish. Also, to make a boring outfit standout pair a solid colored pant with a sequin shirt. For shoes Us Weekly recommends getting rid of platform heels and switching to a dainty kitten heel. Lastly, to accessorize your outfit add a metallic or ribbon choker.

Emily Keller whom is also a senior goes for a more casual spring time look. Keller said, “During spring my favorite outfit is my short sleeve sheer top with capris and Toms.

Senior Julia Petersen likes to dress sporty during the spring months. “I like to shop at Nike and wear athletic shorts and a tshirt because it's comfortable,” said Petersen.

Throughout the spring boys at AHS continue to keep up with the trends and dress with style. Senior Sam Iammarino said, “In the spring, I like to wear khaki shorts, a button down with the sleeves rolled up and Sperrys.”

Senior AJ Kimes explained his favorite outfit to wear during the warm months, “In the spring I like to break out my summer clothes so I feel like summer is coming. My favorite thing to wear is chubbies and a floral shirt,” said Kimes.

Not only in the spring do AHS students dress fashionably, but all throughout the year.

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