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Teachers truly enjoy Staff Appreciation Goodies

Here at AHS, it has become a tradition for Student Council members to bake little goodies for the entire faculty every month as a way to say thank you for their dedication towards students.

In recent months, cookies (October), chocolate turkeys (November) and rice krispie glaciers (January) have found themselves in teachers’ mailboxes, all thanks to a few dedicated students.

The committee head, Anna Polasky, looks forward to baking every month: “I usually have a bunch of girls at my house to help bake. We all gather around my kitchen island and we just crank out the desserts. Then we eat some pizza, hang out, and snag some goodies for ourselves!”

It takes numerous meetings to plan staff appreciation every month, but the girls always get it done. With help from a few faculty advisors, Kathy Wiemken and Michelle Dirda, supplies are provided and a date is set to bake.

Every month, the goodie tends to reflect that month’s general theme; for example, February might have Valentine’s day themed treaties. Senior Claire Sharpnack states, “All the girls take staff appreciation seriously. We brainstorm ideas for about a week before we decide on a final plan.”

AP Government and Service Learning teacher Mike Rubin states, “Every time I find a treat in my mailbox, it makes my entire week. They always come out great, and they get me through the day.”

Nevertheless, the staff appreciation looks forward to sweet treats in their mailboxes, so girls, keep on baking!

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