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Review: Spirit Week

Hot coffee cups and sweaters are making more frequent appearances in the halls, and spirit week only served to turn on the heat. Two weeks ago, students found school was an infinitely more pleasant place to be.

This year’s Spirit week had students walking through the doors with school colors, sports gear, tacky tourist clothing, different classes respective decade apparel and class color attire. School week ended with a pep rally that heightened excitement for the upcoming football game and homecoming dance.

There were mixed feelings about the themes of this year’s spirit week. Overall, students enjoyed the idea of tacky tourist day and decade day, but were not in favor of sports day. Many felt sports day was a useless theme because there are already so many who wear sports related clothing everyday.

The themes are voted on by student council. If students did not appreciate the theme choices, they could come to student council meetings to cast a vote. However the mixed feelings did not stop most students from participating.

The freshman won almost all the the spirit days last week, and the same thing happened last year too. This seems to happen often at AHS. The freshman tend to almost always get the most spirit week points. Why? Why do the freshmen win almost every day?

Many students said their first period teacher did not count students who dressed up for spirit week. This revelation changes the numbers and might even change who the winners are.

However, one of the student council advisors, Kathy Wiemken said, “Many of the freshmen teachers do a great job getting them pumped up for the week.”

Maybe it’s because it's their first year of high school and they are excited to participate in spirit week, which would explain why the freshmen almost always win spirit week here at AHS.

So are the winners really the freshman? Did the freshman really pick up their game? Or is it another class who deserves the title? No one knows unless all students who participated are counted by their first period teachers. Without this we might be mistakenly crowning the wrong class...

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