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Senior Senate discusses 2015-2016 school year

Senior Senate meetings have begun for those representatives selected by their English classes to cover issues that are evident throughout the 2015-2016 school year at Aurora High School.

The individuals on Senior Senate get chosen by either getting nominated by peers or nominating themselves in their senior English classes. After the nominations are put into place, the class votes on who they would prefer to represent them. The students who have the most votes then represent the entirety of the senior class. Currently, the members of Senior Senate are discussing the senior shirts, various amenities for the senior room, the new library setup, and the student section conduct at athletic events.

Emma Pollock, a member of Senior Senate said, “On occasion there is a difference of opinion or we do not share the same opinion on a topic as the administration, but everything is always resolved rationally and without altercations.”

The students on Senior Senate are responsible for representing the whole senior class. They discuss their opinions openly in order for the 2015-2016 school year to run as smooth as possible. Also, they are required to convey what was discussed in the Senior Senate meetings to their English classes in order to get the whole senior class in the loop.

Continuing this further, administration team Dr. Paul Milcetich and Assistant Principal Brian Brookhart lead the discussions. During the meetings there is an agenda that the individuals follow. The members of Senior Senate can add topics to the agenda over the course of the month they would like to discuss. At the meetings, the most important points are discussed first, then they go from there.

Milcetich discussed how he resolves conflicts during the Senior Senate meetings. He said, “How I resolve the disagreement depends on what the topic is. I will listen to all the opinions in the group, but the ultimate decision depends on the code of conduct and what will represent our school positively. If the group cannot come to consensus, then I will make the ultimate decision.”

Also, the members and staff work together to provide input on processes or procedures that could be improved for the betterment of AHS.

Senior Senate is meant to make the 2015-2016 one of the best and most safe years it can be.

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